Areas of Practice


Divorce is a serious and sensitive process, always charged with emotions. The legal actions taken should be tailored to the conflict. Whatever the level of conflict, every client needs their legal and financial interests protected. Mr. Hughes is an experienced and effective advocate who will guide you through each step of the legal process.

One-Day-Divorce is possible and Mr. Hughes can guide you through the process.

Child Custody

Custody not only determines how the child will spend their time between two parents, but it is also a major factor in determining child support. Mr. Hughes’ skill and experience assure that your custody views and facts are clearly and forcefully presented, advocating for the best interests of your children.

Spousal/Child Support

California law requires that each parent support their children based on their financial circumstances. Mr. Hughes utilizes his legal and financial expertise to advocate for your rights and financial security.

Restraining Orders

You may need a court order to protect yourself and your family. Whether you need a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) or a Civil Harassment Restraining Order (CHRO), or you are opposing a request for a restraining order, it is important that you have strong advocacy for your protection. Mr. Hughes is here to provide you with the professional advocacy you need. 

Collaborative Negotiation

It may be possible to maintain civil discourse as you go through one of the more stressful times in your life. If you feel that your relationship has the potential to resolve amicably, a Collaborative Negotiation can be the first step to a strong co-parenting relationship. When possible, this is what we strive for as it typically results in the best possible outcomes. Mr. Hughes is here to guide you through every step of the process. 


Often the best solution is one that happens outside of the courtroom. Mediation provides an opportunity for you and your spouse to meet with a trained neutral mediator who assists both parties to reach an agreement. This can be a much quicker and more cost-effective option than the traditional divorce path. Mr. Hughes can be that neutral mediator to help you both reach an agreement. 

Private Judging

There may be certain situations or circumstances where your family law matter is better handled outside of the public courtroom, but a neutral decision-maker is required. In these situations, it makes sense to hire a private judge to fulfill the role of a public one. Mr. Hughes can help you make that decision and guide you through the entire process. 

Whatever your family law needs may be, Mr. Hughes is here for you from day one.